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- From sonic-life-l@cornell.edu Fri Apr 23 17:57:50 1993
- Received: from kubds1.kub.nl by kubsu2.kub.nl with SMTP id AA01757
- (5.65c/IDA-1.4.4 for <pberck@kubsu2>); Fri, 23 Apr 1993 17:57:44 +0200
- Received: from RED-DWARF.CIT.CORNELL.EDU by kubds1.kub.nl with SMTP id
- AA26087
- (5.65c+/IDA-1.4.4 for <pberck@kub.nl>); Fri, 23 Apr 1993 17:57:38 +0200
- Received: from red-dwarf.cit.cornell.edu ([]) by
- red-dwarf.cit.cornell.edu with SMTP id <486996(4)>; Fri, 23 Apr 1993
- 11:54:29 -0400
- Message-Id: <199304231551.AA21149@hydra.acs.uci.edu>
- Comment: Sonic Youth List
- Originator: sonic-life-l@cornell.edu
- Errors-To: rob@msc.cornell.edu
- Reply-To: sonic-life-l@cornell.edu
- Sender: sonic-life-l@cornell.edu
- Version: 5.5 -- Copyright (c) 1991/92, Anastasios Kotsikonas
- From: athomas@hydra.acs.uci.edu
- To: Multiple recipients of list <sonic-life-l@cornell.edu>
- Subject: Sighting
- Date: Fri, 23 Apr 1993 11:54:27 -0400
- Status: RO
- I went to the free Truman's Water/Love Child show at the UCLA pub
- last night and who should sit next to us, none other than Kim Gordon.
- She was very low key, I don't think anybody realized who she was until
- later. I guess her and Thurston are official talent scouts for Geffen
- these days, so don't be surprised if either Love Child or Truman's
- Water show up on x-static peace (or whatever it's called). Anyway's
- both bands were really good, very sonicyouthy. I think kitten is
- playing at the rock for choice benefit at the palladium next week
- with bikini kill and some other bands, which might explain her
- appearence. Any fan of sy should like Truman's Water, they've got
- I think two albums on homestead and a couple singles, check 'em out.
- Andy
- From sonic-life-l@cornell.edu Fri Apr 23 18:36:55 1993
- Received: from kubds1.kub.nl by kubsu2.kub.nl with SMTP id AA01809
- (5.65c/IDA-1.4.4 for <pberck@kubsu2>); Fri, 23 Apr 1993 18:36:50 +0200
- Received: from RED-DWARF.CIT.CORNELL.EDU by kubds1.kub.nl with SMTP id
- AA04236
- (5.65c+/IDA-1.4.4 for <pberck@kub.nl>); Fri, 23 Apr 1993 18:36:47 +0200
- Received: from red-dwarf.cit.cornell.edu ([]) by
- red-dwarf.cit.cornell.edu with SMTP id <486817(5)>; Fri, 23 Apr 1993
- 12:33:21 -0400
- Message-Id: <199304231631.AA25579@sun.Panix.Com>
- Comment: Sonic Youth List
- Originator: sonic-life-l@cornell.edu
- Errors-To: rob@msc.cornell.edu
- Reply-To: sonic-life-l@cornell.edu
- Sender: sonic-life-l@cornell.edu
- Version: 5.5 -- Copyright (c) 1991/92, Anastasios Kotsikonas
- From: John Neilson <jneil@Panix.Com>
- To: Multiple recipients of list <sonic-life-l@cornell.edu>
- Subject: Re: Repost? Sister vs. Evol
- Date: Fri, 23 Apr 1993 12:33:21 -0400
- Status: RO
- >
- >
- > Uh, Mason Jar wrote:
- > >does anyone know that Sister was recorded entirely on tube
- > equipment? yea, that's why it has that luscious warm sound.
- > of course, I have it on cd wich may defeat the purpose a bit :)
- > --------
- >
- > Actually, I think ALL their stuff has been recorded on tube (or at least
- > analog) equipment.
- >
- ...
- > I also have Evol in both formats, and again, it sounds pretty good.
- Sister's
- > the one where I really notice the difference in sound.
- >
- Yes, they use a lot of tube amplification, but Mason Jar is right when
- he points out that Sister is the only one that was recorded at an all
- tube STUDIO -- Sear Sound in NYC.
- Sister IS a very warm sounding record. Too bad about the boxy drum sound
- though . . .
- From sonic-life-l@cornell.edu Fri Apr 23 18:53:53 1993
- Received: from kubds1.kub.nl by kubsu2.kub.nl with SMTP id AA01833
- (5.65c/IDA-1.4.4 for <pberck@kubsu2>); Fri, 23 Apr 1993 18:53:43 +0200
- Received: from RED-DWARF.CIT.CORNELL.EDU by kubds1.kub.nl with SMTP id
- AA07880
- (5.65c+/IDA-1.4.4 for <pberck@kub.nl>); Fri, 23 Apr 1993 18:53:38 +0200
- Received: from red-dwarf.cit.cornell.edu ([]) by
- red-dwarf.cit.cornell.edu with SMTP id <486910(1)>; Fri, 23 Apr 1993
- 12:50:13 -0400
- Message-Id: <199304231647.AA26405@sun.Panix.Com>
- Comment: Sonic Youth List
- Originator: sonic-life-l@cornell.edu
- Errors-To: rob@msc.cornell.edu
- Reply-To: sonic-life-l@cornell.edu
- Sender: sonic-life-l@cornell.edu
- Version: 5.5 -- Copyright (c) 1991/92, Anastasios Kotsikonas
- From: John Neilson <jneil@panix.com>
- To: Multiple recipients of list <sonic-life-l@cornell.edu>
- Subject: Re: butchering
- Date: Fri, 23 Apr 1993 12:50:13 -0400
- Status: RO
- >
- > Mason Boor:
- >
- > >I for one kind of enjoy the production of dirty.
- > >For one thing, the drums have KICK.
- >
- > Some people dislike Vig's straight-ahead, turn everything up the same
- > production style, but I really like the fact that the bass and drums can
- > be heard on this mix for a change. I've always felt that Shelley's work
- > has been short-changed on album and that a small tweak in his favor would
- > help, so Vig's work kinda satisfied my curiousity as to whether not it
- > would sound good. I think it does.
- >
- > Rob
- >
- I totally agree. I think Dirty is the album that comes the closest to
- capturing the in-yr-face smack that the band has live (at least the times
- when they have a good sound mix, which is problematic for a band that
- relies
- as much on textures and nuances as they do). And Steve sounds really
- good, unlike say Sister where he sounds like he's hitting a cardboard
- box on the intro to Schizophrenia.
- From sonic-life-l@cornell.edu Fri Apr 23 19:10:54 1993
- Received: from kubds1.kub.nl by kubsu2.kub.nl with SMTP id AA01887
- (5.65c/IDA-1.4.4 for <pberck@kubsu2>); Fri, 23 Apr 1993 19:10:47 +0200
- Received: from RED-DWARF.CIT.CORNELL.EDU by kubds1.kub.nl with SMTP id
- AA10139
- (5.65c+/IDA-1.4.4 for <pberck@kub.nl>); Fri, 23 Apr 1993 19:10:42 +0200
- Received: from red-dwarf.cit.cornell.edu ([]) by
- red-dwarf.cit.cornell.edu with SMTP id <487022(2)>; Fri, 23 Apr 1993
- 13:07:10 -0400
- Message-Id: <9304231701.AA06739@saul.cis.upenn.edu>
- Comment: Sonic Youth List
- Originator: sonic-life-l@cornell.edu
- Errors-To: rob@msc.cornell.edu
- Reply-To: sonic-life-l@cornell.edu
- Sender: sonic-life-l@cornell.edu
- Version: 5.5 -- Copyright (c) 1991/92, Anastasios Kotsikonas
- From: eck@saul.cis.upenn.edu (Brian J. Eck)
- To: Multiple recipients of list <sonic-life-l@cornell.edu>
- Subject: Re: butchering
- Date: Fri, 23 Apr 1993 13:06:28 -0400
- Status: RO
- Rob Vaughn writes:
- >
- >>oh yea I saw them in NYC this summer w/ Sun Ra and I thought
- >>that they rocked. Though I would have liked to heard more
- >>old stuff, but doesn't everyone?
- >
- >That was a great show, indeed. Sun Ra was pretty amazing as well.
- So how many people on the list were at that show? I was. I got there
- only a few minutes before the show started, so I was stuck standing maybe
- ten feet in front of the bleachers. There was this guy who kept opening
- and closing his umbrella, even though it wasn't raining. Grr.
- Don't forget, tonight's the night that SY, L7 and Cell are supposedly
- on ABC in Concert!
- brian
- --
- Brian Eck eck@saul.cis.upenn.edu
- The shortest distance between two points is hardly the most interesting.
- From sonic-life-l@cornell.edu Sat Apr 24 12:36:07 1993
- Received: from kubds1.kub.nl by kubsu2.kub.nl with SMTP id AA02823
- (5.65c/IDA-1.4.4 for <pberck@kubsu2>); Sat, 24 Apr 1993 12:36:02 +0200
- Received: from RED-DWARF.CIT.CORNELL.EDU by kubds1.kub.nl with SMTP id
- AA27942
- (5.65c+/IDA-1.4.4 for <pberck@kub.nl>); Sat, 24 Apr 1993 12:35:59 +0200
- Received: from red-dwarf.cit.cornell.edu ([]) by
- red-dwarf.cit.cornell.edu with SMTP id <487022(3)>; Sat, 24 Apr 1993
- 06:33:47 -0400
- Message-Id: <199304241031.AA03379@itkdsa.kub.nl>
- Comment: Sonic Youth List
- Originator: sonic-life-l@cornell.edu
- Errors-To: rob@msc.cornell.edu
- Reply-To: sonic-life-l@cornell.edu
- Sender: sonic-life-l@cornell.edu
- Version: 5.5 -- Copyright (c) 1991/92, Anastasios Kotsikonas
- From: pberck@kub.nl
- To: Multiple recipients of list <sonic-life-l@cornell.edu>
- Subject: drool!
- Date: Sat, 24 Apr 1993 06:33:39 -0400
- Status: RO
- >
- >last night and who should sit next to us, none other than Kim Gordon.
- So. Did you talk to her? Touch her? Look at her? We wntwant to know!!
- -Peter
- From sonic-life-l@cornell.edu Sat Apr 24 22:32:50 1993
- Received: from kubds1.kub.nl by kubsu2.kub.nl with SMTP id AA03053
- (5.65c/IDA-1.4.4 for <pberck@kubsu2>); Sat, 24 Apr 1993 22:32:46 +0200
- Received: from RED-DWARF.CIT.CORNELL.EDU by kubds1.kub.nl with SMTP id
- AA00646
- (5.65c+/IDA-1.4.4 for <pberck@kub.nl>); Sat, 24 Apr 1993 22:32:42 +0200
- Received: from red-dwarf.cit.cornell.edu ([]) by
- red-dwarf.cit.cornell.edu with SMTP id <487027(3)>; Sat, 24 Apr 1993
- 16:27:06 -0400
- Message-Id: <9304242017.AA09302@beaker.engin.umich.edu>
- Comment: Sonic Youth List
- Originator: sonic-life-l@cornell.edu
- Errors-To: rob@msc.cornell.edu
- Reply-To: sonic-life-l@cornell.edu
- Sender: sonic-life-l@cornell.edu
- Version: 5.5 -- Copyright (c) 1991/92, Anastasios Kotsikonas
- From: <pigman@engin.umich.edu>
- To: Multiple recipients of list <sonic-life-l@cornell.edu>
- Subject: Re: Bad Moon Rising
- Date: Sat, 24 Apr 1993 16:27:04 -0400
- Status: RO
- my 2 cents about my favorite /least favorite albums:
- most favorite: daydream nation
- least fave: Goo
- it seems kindof funny that sy would follow up my favorite album w/ my
- least
- favorite sy album. even aftet listening to ddn hunderds of times, i still
- will
- occaisionally pick out some new bit that i never really noticed before.
- every-
- thing sounds (to me) incredibly textured and complex. Goo just didn't do
- that
- for me, nothing really stands out on that album.
- ddn was my first sy album. on first listen i wasn't all that impressed w/
- it,
- and listened to the ramones tape i picked up on the same day instead. a
- month
- or so later i was tired of the ramones and went back to listen to DDN.
- needless
- to say, it grew on me (and i haven't listened to that _brain drain_ tape
- hardly
- at all since) once i was hooked on sy, i went and got Bad moon rising
- (see,
- this note does relate to the header:), which i did like right off the
- bat.
- the _sonic youth_ was next, and that sorta disapointed me. then goo, sonic
- death (which both were dissapointing), _sister_ renewed my faith, dirty is
- a
- decent album in my opinion, although it does have some weak bits (kim can
- screech, but that doesn't mean they have to record her screeching, when she
- *sings* or chants she's fine). Next was _confusion is sex_, which i
- liked, and
- got me to and relisten to _sonic youth_ which i discovered i also liked now
- (i guess my ears have been throughally corrupted). i still don't have
- evol,
- so i'm can't comment on that one.
- don't suspose there's any plans for a douple length concert album anytime
- soon
- (w/ better sound quality than sonic death)?
- well, i can dream can't i?
- scott
- just another fanboy
- ps-a question, has any new sonic death newsletters come out since last
- summer?
- i got my "starter kit", but haven't seen anything since.
- From sonic-life-l@cornell.edu Sat Apr 24 22:32:54 1993
- Received: from kubds1.kub.nl by kubsu2.kub.nl with SMTP id AA03058
- (5.65c/IDA-1.4.4 for <pberck@kubsu2>); Sat, 24 Apr 1993 22:32:50 +0200
- Received: from RED-DWARF.CIT.CORNELL.EDU by kubds1.kub.nl with SMTP id
- AA00649
- (5.65c+/IDA-1.4.4 for <pberck@kub.nl>); Sat, 24 Apr 1993 22:32:46 +0200
- Received: from red-dwarf.cit.cornell.edu ([]) by
- red-dwarf.cit.cornell.edu with SMTP id <487108(5)>; Sat, 24 Apr 1993
- 16:27:48 -0400
- Message-Id: <9304242025.AA09319@beaker.engin.umich.edu>
- Comment: Sonic Youth List
- Originator: sonic-life-l@cornell.edu
- Errors-To: rob@msc.cornell.edu
- Reply-To: sonic-life-l@cornell.edu
- Sender: sonic-life-l@cornell.edu
- Version: 5.5 -- Copyright (c) 1991/92, Anastasios Kotsikonas
- From: <pigman@engin.umich.edu>
- To: Multiple recipients of list <sonic-life-l@cornell.edu>
- Subject: Re: bad moon rising
- Date: Sat, 24 Apr 1993 16:27:42 -0400
- Status: RO
- echo canyon is bit of noise that ends off the album (on the cd inport i
- have
- anyway, the tape i had didn't have it, nor flower, satan, and holloween -
- which
- weren't listed either). echo consists of a rocket like sound, and
- explosion,
- breaking glass some other stuff and finally the sound of a record arm
- screeching
- over the end of a record. yes it can mess with yr head if yr not
- expecting it,
- no it's not really worth running out and buying a new copy to hear (unless
- you
- want to upgrade to cd anyway). probably a minute long at most.
- scott
- From sonic-life-l@cornell.edu Sun Apr 25 03:14:27 1993
- Received: from kubds1.kub.nl by kubsu2.kub.nl with SMTP id AA03473
- (5.65c/IDA-1.4.4 for <pberck@kubsu2>); Sun, 25 Apr 1993 03:14:23 +0200
- Received: from RED-DWARF.CIT.CORNELL.EDU by kubds1.kub.nl with SMTP id
- AA19672
- (5.65c+/IDA-1.4.4 for <pberck@kub.nl>); Sun, 25 Apr 1993 03:14:19 +0200
- Received: from red-dwarf.cit.cornell.edu ([]) by
- red-dwarf.cit.cornell.edu with SMTP id <487028(1)>; Sat, 24 Apr 1993
- 21:10:55 -0400
- Message-Id: <93Apr24.210837edt.160610(3)@router.mail.cornell.edu>
- Comment: Sonic Youth List
- Originator: sonic-life-l@cornell.edu
- Errors-To: rob@msc.cornell.edu
- Reply-To: sonic-life-l@cornell.edu
- Sender: sonic-life-l@cornell.edu
- Version: 5.5 -- Copyright (c) 1991/92, Anastasios Kotsikonas
- From: Aaron Tuller <THX1138@ucsfvm.ucsf.edu>
- To: Multiple recipients of list <sonic-life-l@cornell.edu>
- Subject: Sonic Youth
- Date: Sat, 24 Apr 1993 21:10:50 -0400
- Status: RO
- ok so terrible subject but hey...
- Anyway this is gonna be a long-will-get-to-the-point-at-the-end type of
- message.
- It just so happened that the day Sonic Life was advertise don grunge-l, I
- just
- happened to be watching mTv where 100% was on. So I said what the fuck and
- signed up here and went to my local Tower and picked up _dirty_. I
- listened
- a few times (lately I've been listening to YAF everyday and still have not
- come
- up with something meaningful to say baout the song except the lyrics are
- stupid
- but the music is ok) and thought it was pretty cool. So I've been reading
- here
- for about a month and thought maybe it was time to pick up something new.
- So
- again I hop over to to Tower where all they have is _Goo_ and _Sonic
- Youth_ on
- SST. Well I've notied that you peoples are against SST ao I picked up
- _Goo_.
- I'm amused by the booklet but the music is not nearly as good as _dirty_.
- So basically I want to know what SY things I should be looking for that
- will be
- more like _dirty_ and less like _Goo_? I heard DGC is gonna re-release
- all the
- old (and better) albums. What do I want to pick up?
- aaron
- From sonic-life-l@cornell.edu Sun Apr 25 03:54:03 1993
- Received: from kubds1.kub.nl by kubsu2.kub.nl with SMTP id AA03504
- (5.65c/IDA-1.4.4 for <pberck@kubsu2>); Sun, 25 Apr 1993 03:53:58 +0200
- Received: from RED-DWARF.CIT.CORNELL.EDU by kubds1.kub.nl with SMTP id
- AA22161
- (5.65c+/IDA-1.4.4 for <pberck@kub.nl>); Sun, 25 Apr 1993 03:53:55 +0200
- Received: from red-dwarf.cit.cornell.edu ([]) by
- red-dwarf.cit.cornell.edu with SMTP id <486999(5)>; Sat, 24 Apr 1993
- 21:50:54 -0400
- Message-Id: <01GXEKON8U50935BVA@mrgate.psupen.psu.edu>
- Comment: Sonic Youth List
- Originator: sonic-life-l@cornell.edu
- Errors-To: rob@msc.cornell.edu
- Reply-To: sonic-life-l@cornell.edu
- Sender: sonic-life-l@cornell.edu
- Version: 5.5 -- Copyright (c) 1991/92, Anastasios Kotsikonas
- From: Eston Martz <EMARTZ@a1.psupen.psu.edu>
- To: Multiple recipients of list <sonic-life-l@cornell.edu>
- Subject: RE: Sonic Youth
- Date: Sat, 24 Apr 1993 21:50:50 -0400
- Status: RO
- aaron asked:
- >So basically I want to know what SY things I should be looking for that
- will
- be
- more like _dirty_ and less like _Goo_? I heard DGC is gonna re-release
- all the
- old (and better) albums. What do I want to pick up?
- ---------
- Hmmmmm...my favorite is _Sister_; I think it's their most consistent
- record
- plus it's got White Kross and Stereo Sanctity on it, and SY doesn't get
- much
- better.
- A lot of people maintain that _Daydream Nation_ is their best, and it IS a
- compelling album, but it's too damn long. Still, the highlights -- Hey
- Joni,
- Eric's Trip, Silver Rocket, Hyperstation -- are essential.
- _EVOL_ is a little more experimental, I guess, but it's still well worth
- your
- hard-earned $15 or so. I'd place this one second after _Sister_.
- _Bad Moon Rising_ is great but difficult. Most of the songs are slow and
- droning, but this one packs a real wallop once you get used to it.
- _COnfusion is Sex_ has its moments, but it's spotty at best. I don't
- think
- many people here are going to argue it's their strongest album. Let this
- one
- wait until you're sure you must own ALL of their material (yes, that day
- will
- come!).
- _Sonic Youth_ is also pretty spotty, but it does have one of their best
- tracks
- (I Dream I Dreamed (or is it "I Dreamed I Dream"?)) and it's interesting
- to
- hear their original vision in light of where they've gone since. But
- again,
- this one's better suited to converts than dilettantes; it ain't the best
- place
- to start.
- I haven't heard the _Kill Yr. Idols_ e.p., so can't comment except I know
- it
- duplicates a bunch of tracks from _Confusion_. The Ciccone Youth album
- (SY
- meets Mike Watt on their summer vacation) is cute, but inconsequential.
- Go with _Sister_ next, IMHO.
- Just my $.02, of course...
- Later,
- Eston
- From sonic-life-l@cornell.edu Sun Apr 25 04:57:33 1993
- Received: from kubds1.kub.nl by kubsu2.kub.nl with SMTP id AA03555
- (5.65c/IDA-1.4.4 for <pberck@kubsu2>); Sun, 25 Apr 1993 04:57:29 +0200
- Received: from RED-DWARF.CIT.CORNELL.EDU by kubds1.kub.nl with SMTP id
- AA25643
- (5.65c+/IDA-1.4.4 for <pberck@kub.nl>); Sun, 25 Apr 1993 04:57:23 +0200
- Received: from red-dwarf.cit.cornell.edu ([]) by
- red-dwarf.cit.cornell.edu with SMTP id <487063(5)>; Sat, 24 Apr 1993
- 22:54:21 -0400
- Message-Id: <Pine.3.05.9304241940.A18737-c100000@romulus>
- Comment: Sonic Youth List
- Originator: sonic-life-l@cornell.edu
- Errors-To: rob@msc.cornell.edu
- Reply-To: sonic-life-l@cornell.edu
- Sender: sonic-life-l@cornell.edu
- Version: 5.5 -- Copyright (c) 1991/92, Anastasios Kotsikonas
- From: Alexander Seth Young <ayoung@reed.edu>
- To: Multiple recipients of list <sonic-life-l@cornell.edu>
- Subject: Re: Repost? Sister vs. Evol
- Date: Sat, 24 Apr 1993 22:54:19 -0400
- Status: RO
- Yeah! No shit. Sister on CD sounds like whoever made the fatal transfer
- from analog to digital used a vacuum on the bottom half of the
- recording--no bass! The vinyl edition is like a warm bath, and you don't
- have to turn the stereo up full blast in order to hear Kim and Steve.
- Also, my CD copy of Sister as well as those belonging to two friends of
- mine conked out: All three disks eventually had to have an elaborate
- system of thin stickers pasted all over them because they rattled around
- so much when being played.
- S(onic)eth Y(outh)oung
- Nihil ex nihilo, baby.
- On Thu, 22 Apr 1993, Eston Martz wrote:
- >
- > Uh, Mason Jar wrote:
- > >does anyone know that Sister was recorded entirely on tube
- > equipment? yea, that's why it has that luscious warm sound.
- > of course, I have it on cd wich may defeat the purpose a bit :)
- > --------
- >
- > Actually, I think ALL their stuff has been recorded on tube (or at least
- > analog) equipment.
- >
- > But you've brought up an interesting point, which I was thinking about
- raising
- > myself. I bought Sister on vinyl when it came out, then later bought a
- copy on
- > CD.
- >
- > For my money, the vinyl sounds about 10 times brighter than the disc,
- which
- > seems to have lost a lot of the low end. One thing I love about Sister
- (on
- > vinyl, anyway) is how FULL it sounds--yeah, it's a big blur, but it's a
- damned
- > COMFORTABLE one. The CD seems to lose that quality, at least on my
- system
- > (which admittedly isn't state-o-the-art anymore).
- >
- > Anybody else have this (or other SY) in both formats? If so, how would
- you
- > rate the sound quality for each format?
- >
- > I've got a European pressing of BMR on CD which sounds very good (it's
- on Blast
- > First, if it makes any diff--don't know how many pressings of this have
- been
- > made), no discernable loss of quality.
- >
- > I also have Evol in both formats, and again, it sounds pretty good.
- Sister's
- > the one where I really notice the difference in sound.
- >
- > Yer thoughts?
- >
- > Later,
- > Eston
- >
- >
- >
- From sonic-life-l@cornell.edu Sun Apr 25 06:07:11 1993
- Received: from kubds1.kub.nl by kubsu2.kub.nl with SMTP id AA03597
- (5.65c/IDA-1.4.4 for <pberck@kubsu2>); Sun, 25 Apr 1993 06:07:07 +0200
- Received: from RED-DWARF.CIT.CORNELL.EDU by kubds1.kub.nl with SMTP id
- AA29651
- (5.65c+/IDA-1.4.4 for <pberck@kub.nl>); Sun, 25 Apr 1993 06:07:04 +0200
- Received: from red-dwarf.cit.cornell.edu ([]) by
- red-dwarf.cit.cornell.edu with SMTP id <487101(3)>; Sun, 25 Apr 1993
- 00:03:47 -0400
- Message-Id: <01GXEP5GHWBM90N3CN@ubvms.cc.buffalo.edu>
- Comment: Sonic Youth List
- Originator: sonic-life-l@cornell.edu
- Errors-To: rob@msc.cornell.edu
- Reply-To: sonic-life-l@cornell.edu
- Sender: sonic-life-l@cornell.edu
- Version: 5.5 -- Copyright (c) 1991/92, Anastasios Kotsikonas
- From: TwentyNothing <V079QL9Q@ubvmsb.cc.buffalo.edu>
- To: Multiple recipients of list <sonic-life-l@cornell.edu>
- Subject: Evol on tape vs. CD
- Date: Sun, 25 Apr 1993 00:03:42 -0400
- Status: RO
- All i gotta say bout the analog vs. digital stuff is this:
- I have Evol on tape, and the quality is horrible. Tinny, hissing etc. My
- friends got it on disc, and it sounds light years better. To put is
- nicely.
- Never heard it on vinyl, but I'd love too. I personally love vinyl, but
- to get
- a really good sound out of it you need a real expensive player, while with
- CD's
- you can buy a cheap Discman for like $100, vs $800+ for a really good
- record
- player.
- Quality wise, cheap cd player vs. cheap record player, the cd will win.
- BTW- any1 going to see fIREHOSE tommorow at Cornell? If not: phpbbt!
- If so: write me and gimme yer adress if you live at/near Cornell... me
- and a
- bunch of friends are coming down fro Buffalo, and we'll hang.
- Later-
- Shane
- From sonic-life-l@cornell.edu Sun Apr 25 23:23:36 1993
- Received: from kubds1.kub.nl by kubsu2.kub.nl with SMTP id AA03984
- (5.65c/IDA-1.4.4 for <pberck@kubsu2>); Sun, 25 Apr 1993 23:23:26 +0200
- Received: from RED-DWARF.CIT.CORNELL.EDU by kubds1.kub.nl with SMTP id
- AA21291
- (5.65c+/IDA-1.4.4 for <pberck@kub.nl>); Sun, 25 Apr 1993 23:23:22 +0200
- Received: from red-dwarf.cit.cornell.edu ([]) by
- red-dwarf.cit.cornell.edu with SMTP id <486980(4)>; Sun, 25 Apr 1993
- 17:19:45 -0400
- Message-Id: <9304252116.AA25133@freenet.carleton.ca>
- Comment: Sonic Youth List
- Originator: sonic-life-l@cornell.edu
- Errors-To: rob@msc.cornell.edu
- Reply-To: sonic-life-l@cornell.edu
- Sender: sonic-life-l@cornell.edu
- Version: 5.5 -- Copyright (c) 1991/92, Anastasios Kotsikonas
- From: ab809@freenet.carleton.ca (Mike Winter)
- To: Multiple recipients of list <sonic-life-l@cornell.edu>
- Subject: RE: Sonic Youth
- Date: Sun, 25 Apr 1993 17:19:42 -0400
- Status: RO
- I gotta disagree with you, CIS is one of my favorite LP's...
- I think it's a lot better then Evol and slmost right up there
- with Sister and Dirty.....
- So in cncluseion if you like Diry get Confusion is Sex quick...
- --
- 'Show me who profits from a war, and I'll show you how to stop
- the war' -Henry Ford
- ab809@freenet.carleton.ca((()))as547@cleveland.freenet.edu
- Mike Winter\/Saskatoon, SK./\UNET
- From sonic-life-l@cornell.edu Mon Apr 26 04:34:18 1993
- Received: from kubds1.kub.nl by kubsu2.kub.nl with SMTP id AA04395
- (5.65c/IDA-1.4.4 for <pberck@kubsu2>); Mon, 26 Apr 1993 04:34:14 +0200
- Received: from RED-DWARF.CIT.CORNELL.EDU by kubds1.kub.nl with SMTP id
- AA15372
- (5.65c+/IDA-1.4.4 for <pberck@kub.nl>); Mon, 26 Apr 1993 04:34:11 +0200
- Received: from red-dwarf.cit.cornell.edu ([]) by
- red-dwarf.cit.cornell.edu with SMTP id <486980(4)>; Sun, 25 Apr 1993
- 22:35:13 -0400
- Message-Id: <9304260232.AA05858@slc5.INS.CWRU.Edu>
- Comment: Sonic Youth List
- Originator: sonic-life-l@cornell.edu
- Errors-To: rob@msc.cornell.edu
- Reply-To: sonic-life-l@cornell.edu
- Sender: sonic-life-l@cornell.edu
- Version: 5.5 -- Copyright (c) 1991/92, Anastasios Kotsikonas
- From: meb6@po.CWRU.Edu (Mason E. Boor)
- To: Multiple recipients of list <sonic-life-l@cornell.edu>
- Subject: RE: Sonic Youth
- Date: Sun, 25 Apr 1993 22:35:09 -0400
- Status: RO
- In my opinion:
- Confusion Is Sex is the punk ravings of a young avant garde
- noise band
- Evol is ART man.
- :)
- --
- any thought could be the beginning
- of a brand new tangled web you're spinning
- any one could be your brand new love -Sebadoh Mason Jar
- meb6@po.CWRU.Edu
- From sonic-life-l@cornell.edu Mon Apr 26 14:37:58 1993
- Received: from kubds1.kub.nl by kubsu2.kub.nl with SMTP id AA05214
- (5.65c/IDA-1.4.4 for <pberck@kubsu2>); Mon, 26 Apr 1993 14:37:46 +0200
- Received: from RED-DWARF.CIT.CORNELL.EDU by kubds1.kub.nl with SMTP id
- AA28206
- (5.65c+/IDA-1.4.4 for <pberck@kub.nl>); Mon, 26 Apr 1993 14:37:26 +0200
- Received: from red-dwarf.cit.cornell.edu ([]) by
- red-dwarf.cit.cornell.edu with SMTP id <486980(5)>; Mon, 26 Apr 1993
- 08:33:47 -0400
- Message-Id: <9304261233.AA06037@wg.estec.esa.nl>
- Comment: Sonic Youth List
- Originator: sonic-life-l@cornell.edu
- Errors-To: rob@msc.cornell.edu
- Reply-To: sonic-life-l@cornell.edu
- Sender: sonic-life-l@cornell.edu
- Version: 5.5 -- Copyright (c) 1991/92, Anastasios Kotsikonas
- From: Milquetoast <chris@wg.estec.esa.nl>
- To: Multiple recipients of list <sonic-life-l@cornell.edu>
- Subject: SY in Europe
- Date: Mon, 26 Apr 1993 08:33:37 -0400
- Status: RO
- Sonic Youth will be playing in Belgium this July, at the Torhout/Werchter
- festival (at Torhout on July 3rd and Werchter on July 4th). Also on the
- bill
- are Levellers, Sugar, The Tragically Hip, The Black Crowes, Faith No More,
- Neil Young, Lenny Kravitz and Metallica.
- I've no idea if this is a one off or if they willbe playing elsewhere
- around
- the same time.
- Chris
- From sonic-life-l@cornell.edu Mon Apr 26 16:54:49 1993
- Received: from kubds1.kub.nl by kubsu2.kub.nl with SMTP id AA05554
- (5.65c/IDA-1.4.4 for <pberck@kubsu2>); Mon, 26 Apr 1993 16:54:37 +0200
- Received: from RED-DWARF.CIT.CORNELL.EDU by kubds1.kub.nl with SMTP id
- AA16269
- (5.65c+/IDA-1.4.4 for <pberck@kub.nl>); Mon, 26 Apr 1993 16:54:31 +0200
- Received: from red-dwarf.cit.cornell.edu ([]) by
- red-dwarf.cit.cornell.edu with SMTP id <486930(3)>; Mon, 26 Apr 1993
- 10:51:00 -0400
- Message-Id: <9304261448.AA18464@box.EE.CORNELL.EDU>
- Comment: Sonic Youth List
- Originator: sonic-life-l@cornell.edu
- Errors-To: rob@msc.cornell.edu
- Reply-To: sonic-life-l@cornell.edu
- Sender: sonic-life-l@cornell.edu
- Version: 5.5 -- Copyright (c) 1991/92, Anastasios Kotsikonas
- From: pgs@box.EE.CORNELL.EDU (Peter G. Soderquist)
- To: Multiple recipients of list <sonic-life-l@cornell.edu>
- Subject: Re: Repost? Sister vs. Evol
- Date: Mon, 26 Apr 1993 10:50:56 -0400
- Status: RO
- On Apr 24, 10:54pm, ayoung@reed.edu (Alexander Seth Young) wrote:
- >Yeah! No shit. Sister on CD sounds like whoever made the fatal transfer
- >from analog to digital used a vacuum on the bottom half of the
- >recording--no bass! The vinyl edition is like a warm bath, and you don't
- >have to turn the stereo up full blast in order to hear Kim and Steve.
- This raises the question; are the DGC reissues going to be re-mastered
- or merely reissued? In other words, by all accounts, the CD mix of
- _Sister_ really blows. Does anyone know if Geffen plans to re-cut the
- digital master or merely re-print the earlier version? I would hope that
- DGC would be above putting out low-fidelity garbage.
- >Also, my CD copy of Sister as well as those belonging to two friends of
- >mine conked out: All three disks eventually had to have an elaborate
- >system of thin stickers pasted all over them because they rattled around
- >so much when being played.
- Now *this* is really disturbing. Are these all SST discs? This
- sounds like a manufacturing rather than a mixing problem. Do other
- SST CD's do this sort of thing? If so, that's one more addition to
- the long list of why not to buy from SST.
- Later,
- The Walrus.
- From sonic-life-l@cornell.edu Mon Apr 26 17:30:13 1993
- Received: from kubds1.kub.nl by kubsu2.kub.nl with SMTP id AA05644
- (5.65c/IDA-1.4.4 for <pberck@kubsu2>); Mon, 26 Apr 1993 17:29:24 +0200
- Received: from RED-DWARF.CIT.CORNELL.EDU by kubds1.kub.nl with SMTP id
- AA19973
- (5.65c+/IDA-1.4.4 for <pberck@kub.nl>); Mon, 26 Apr 1993 17:29:17 +0200
- Received: from red-dwarf.cit.cornell.edu ([]) by
- red-dwarf.cit.cornell.edu with SMTP id <487161(1)>; Mon, 26 Apr 1993
- 11:25:54 -0400
- Message-Id: <01GXGQRWWD9S90NV23@Gems.VCU.EDU>
- Comment: Sonic Youth List
- Originator: sonic-life-l@cornell.edu
- Errors-To: rob@msc.cornell.edu
- Reply-To: sonic-life-l@cornell.edu
- Sender: sonic-life-l@cornell.edu
- Version: 5.5 -- Copyright (c) 1991/92, Anastasios Kotsikonas
- From: MGANGLOFF@gems.vcu.edu
- To: Multiple recipients of list <sonic-life-l@cornell.edu>
- Subject: Re: problems w/sister cd
- Date: Mon, 26 Apr 1993 11:25:48 -0400
- Status: RO
- re: reported problems w/sister cd
- i picked up my copy of sister used and really have to keep it
- polished to prevent skipping on track 1 -- there are no visible scratches,
- etc., but this is probably the most fragile cd in my collection. i've
- always wondered whether the previous owner did something to the cd or if
- there was a bad batch floating around out there. sounds like there may
- have
- been a mistake at the pressing plant...
- --mg
- From sonic-life-l@cornell.edu Mon Apr 26 21:11:12 1993
- Received: from kubpra (kubpra.kub.nl) by kubsu2.kub.nl with SMTP id AA05908
- (5.65c/IDA-1.4.4 for <pberck@kubsu2.kub.nl>); Mon, 26 Apr 1993 21:11:08
- +0200
- Received: from RED-DWARF.CIT.CORNELL.EDU by KUB.NL (PMDF #12540) id
- <01GXHBTK83M8EKFISO@KUB.NL>; Mon, 26 Apr 1993 21:08 +0100
- Received: from red-dwarf.cit.cornell.edu ([]) by
- red-dwarf.cit.cornell.edu with SMTP id <487164(4)>; Mon,
- 26 Apr 1993 15:02:17 -0400
- Date: Mon, 26 Apr 1993 15:02:12 -0400
- From: meb6@po.CWRU.Edu (Mason E. Boor)
- Subject: Re: Repost? Sister vs. Evol
- Sender: sonic-life-l@cornell.edu
- To: Multiple recipients of list <sonic-life-l@cornell.edu>
- Errors-To: rob@msc.cornell.edu
- Reply-To: sonic-life-l@cornell.edu
- Message-Id: <9304261859.AA02987@slc5.INS.CWRU.Edu>
- X-Envelope-To: pberck@kubsu2.kub.nl
- Comment: Sonic Youth List
- Originator: sonic-life-l@cornell.edu
- Version: 5.5 -- Copyright (c) 1991/92, Anastasios Kotsikonas
- Status: RO
- Funny, I consider myself somewhat
- of an audiophile,
- and I *love* my cd of -Sister_
- oh well
- --
- any thought could be the beginning
- of a brand new tangled web you're spinning
- any one could be your brand new love -Sebadoh Mason Jar
- meb6@po.CWRU.Edu
- From sonic-life-l@cornell.edu Mon Apr 26 22:48:23 1993
- Received: from kubds1.kub.nl by kubsu2.kub.nl with SMTP id AA05988
- (5.65c/IDA-1.4.4 for <pberck@kubsu2>); Mon, 26 Apr 1993 22:48:17 +0200
- Received: from RED-DWARF.CIT.CORNELL.EDU by kubds1.kub.nl with SMTP id
- AA01008
- (5.65c+/IDA-1.4.4 for <pberck@kub.nl>); Mon, 26 Apr 1993 22:48:12 +0200
- Received: from red-dwarf.cit.cornell.edu ([]) by
- red-dwarf.cit.cornell.edu with SMTP id <487197(5)>; Mon, 26 Apr 1993
- 16:43:47 -0400
- Message-Id: <9304262040.AA07585@hubcap.clemson.edu>
- Comment: Sonic Youth List
- Originator: sonic-life-l@cornell.edu
- Errors-To: rob@msc.cornell.edu
- Reply-To: sonic-life-l@cornell.edu
- Sender: sonic-life-l@cornell.edu
- Version: 5.5 -- Copyright (c) 1991/92, Anastasios Kotsikonas
- From: stephe@hubcap.clemson.edu (Stephen Charlesworth)
- To: Multiple recipients of list <sonic-life-l@cornell.edu>
- Subject: Re: Repost? Sister vs. Evol
- Date: Mon, 26 Apr 1993 16:43:45 -0400
- Status: RO
- Another bad review of the Sister CD (not the album):
- Sister was the first LP by SY I ever heard, and I thought it was
- absolutely brilliant. So when I saw a CD copy in the local independ-
- ently run alternative-type record store, I grabbed it, because that
- was back in the days when I was in that super-naive "DIGITAL=BETTER"
- mindset. Strangely enough I suddenly didn't like the album as much,
- though it's still very cool, and for the reasons people have gone
- into here. At least the CD hasn't conked out on me.
- By the way, the also-SST-released CD version of the Minutemen's
- Double Nickles on The Dime also really blows. It's almost like SST
- is engaged in some kind of sabotage against their bands or something.
- I'm not one of those death to the CD Luddites, either. I quite
- like the CD of Daydream Nation, and Dirty has a good sound to it
- as well...
- Steve
- From sonic-life-l@cornell.edu Mon Apr 26 22:50:09 1993
- Received: from kubds1.kub.nl by kubsu2.kub.nl with SMTP id AA06009
- (5.65c/IDA-1.4.4 for <pberck@kubsu2>); Mon, 26 Apr 1993 22:50:03 +0200
- Received: from RED-DWARF.CIT.CORNELL.EDU by kubds1.kub.nl with SMTP id
- AA01039
- (5.65c+/IDA-1.4.4 for <pberck@kub.nl>); Mon, 26 Apr 1993 22:49:54 +0200
- Received: from red-dwarf.cit.cornell.edu ([]) by
- red-dwarf.cit.cornell.edu with SMTP id <487107(1)>; Mon, 26 Apr 1993
- 16:45:04 -0400
- Message-Id: <9304262041.AA26268@selway.umt.edu>
- Comment: Sonic Youth List
- Originator: sonic-life-l@cornell.edu
- Errors-To: rob@msc.cornell.edu
- Reply-To: sonic-life-l@cornell.edu
- Sender: sonic-life-l@cornell.edu
- Version: 5.5 -- Copyright (c) 1991/92, Anastasios Kotsikonas
- From: elric@selway.umt.edu
- To: Multiple recipients of list <sonic-life-l@cornell.edu>
- Subject: kinkos
- Date: Mon, 26 Apr 1993 16:44:58 -0400
- Status: RO
- Well, here it is. Finally. My first post to this newsletter.
- i have soooo many things to say, where do i start??
- well, i haven't finished all of the archives, but i've been reading the
- lyrics to Daydream Nation, and i have an addition: at the begining of
- "Eric's Trip" the whispering voice says "achoo.....Braaaaanca-fest"
- i've sent my tabs to ftp.maths.tcd.ie and nevada.edu for a few songs.
- Candle, however i need to change because i made a mistake. so whenever
- they decide to archive them, you can get them there.
- My CD of Bad Moon Rising doesn't have the scratching and pop that is
- supposidly Echo Canyon.
- has anyone else noticed on the Dirty Boots E.P. that right before "The
- Bedroom" Thurston says "(this') it's for Lucifuge" devil worshipers??? i
- doubt this, but it is really weird that they would say that.
- has anyone seen "Simple Men"? there is a really weird scene where they all
- dance to Kool Thing.
- hmmmm
- i cant think of anything else to say, except that Rain King is THE BEST
- track they have ever recorded. okay, maybe it's tied with Beauty Lies in
- the Eye, but it beats the shit out of the rest of them.
- your loving hampster farm,
- -Sam
- you're supposed to stop reading now.
- your mother takes shits in the woods with the pope's funny hat on.
- From sonic-life-l@cornell.edu Tue Apr 27 00:27:35 1993
- Received: from kubds1.kub.nl by kubsu2.kub.nl with SMTP id AA06887
- (5.65c/IDA-1.4.4 for <pberck@kubsu2>); Tue, 27 Apr 1993 00:27:29 +0200
- Received: from RED-DWARF.CIT.CORNELL.EDU by kubds1.kub.nl with SMTP id
- AA24534
- (5.65c+/IDA-1.4.4 for <pberck@kub.nl>); Tue, 27 Apr 1993 00:27:23 +0200
- Received: from red-dwarf.cit.cornell.edu ([]) by
- red-dwarf.cit.cornell.edu with SMTP id <487230(1)>; Mon, 26 Apr 1993
- 18:23:49 -0400
- Message-Id: <9304262156.AA23340@irony.engin.umich.edu>
- Comment: Sonic Youth List
- Originator: sonic-life-l@cornell.edu
- Errors-To: rob@msc.cornell.edu
- Reply-To: sonic-life-l@cornell.edu
- Sender: sonic-life-l@cornell.edu
- Version: 5.5 -- Copyright (c) 1991/92, Anastasios Kotsikonas
- From: <pigman@engin.umich.edu>
- To: Multiple recipients of list <sonic-life-l@cornell.edu>
- Subject: Re: kinkos
- Date: Mon, 26 Apr 1993 18:23:42 -0400
- Status: RO
- sam says:
- "has anyone else noticed on the Dirty Boots E.P. that right before "The
- Bedroom"
- Thurston says "(this') it's for Lucifuge" devil worshipers??? i doubt
- this, but
- it is really weird that they would say that."
- i thought he was dedicating the song to a lucey something-or-other.
- perhaps,
- the skinhead mother he refers to in the intro? who knows. of course,
- this is
- just some groundless speculation, but enjoy all the same.
- scott
- From sonic-life-l@cornell.edu Tue Apr 27 01:28:05 1993
- Received: from kubds1.kub.nl by kubsu2.kub.nl with SMTP id AA06941
- (5.65c/IDA-1.4.4 for <pberck@kubsu2>); Tue, 27 Apr 1993 01:28:00 +0200
- Received: from RED-DWARF.CIT.CORNELL.EDU by kubds1.kub.nl with SMTP id
- AA06839
- (5.65c+/IDA-1.4.4 for <pberck@kub.nl>); Tue, 27 Apr 1993 01:27:53 +0200
- Received: from red-dwarf.cit.cornell.edu ([]) by
- red-dwarf.cit.cornell.edu with SMTP id <487108(5)>; Mon, 26 Apr 1993
- 19:23:35 -0400
- Message-Id: <9304262320.AA11757@selway.umt.edu>
- Comment: Sonic Youth List
- Originator: sonic-life-l@cornell.edu
- Errors-To: rob@msc.cornell.edu
- Reply-To: sonic-life-l@cornell.edu
- Sender: sonic-life-l@cornell.edu
- Version: 5.5 -- Copyright (c) 1991/92, Anastasios Kotsikonas
- From: elric@selway.umt.edu
- To: Multiple recipients of list <sonic-life-l@cornell.edu>
- Subject: the little man did not eat
- Date: Mon, 26 Apr 1993 19:23:30 -0400
- Status: RO
- a few things:
- i know somebody who knows somebody (X4) who threw a brick at Dave Kendall.
- i want this Bukowski bib.
- in Trilogy *I* think the line is
- "sky in his eyes, dark stains on his pants"
- does anyone have bootleg vids of these guys so i can see some fingerings?
- i'll do ANYTHING!
- your loving hampster farm,
- -Sam
- you're supposed to stop reading now.
- your mother takes shits in the woods with the pope's funny hat on.
- From sonic-life-l@cornell.edu Tue Apr 27 14:00:53 1993
- Received: from kubds1.kub.nl by kubsu2.kub.nl with SMTP id AA07914
- (5.65c/IDA-1.4.4 for <pberck@kubsu2>); Tue, 27 Apr 1993 14:00:18 +0200
- Received: from RED-DWARF.CIT.CORNELL.EDU by kubds1.kub.nl with SMTP id
- AA28634
- (5.65c+/IDA-1.4.4 for <pberck@kub.nl>); Tue, 27 Apr 1993 14:00:07 +0200
- Received: from red-dwarf.cit.cornell.edu ([]) by
- red-dwarf.cit.cornell.edu with SMTP id <487230(1)>; Tue, 27 Apr 1993
- 08:00:32 -0400
- Message-Id: <93Apr27.075814edt.160633(2)@router.mail.cornell.edu>
- Comment: Sonic Youth List
- Originator: sonic-life-l@cornell.edu
- Errors-To: rob@msc.cornell.edu
- Reply-To: sonic-life-l@cornell.edu
- Sender: sonic-life-l@cornell.edu
- Version: 5.5 -- Copyright (c) 1991/92, Anastasios Kotsikonas
- From: Johannes Waldmann <mwj@rz.uni-jena.de>
- To: Multiple recipients of list <sonic-life-l@cornell.edu>
- Subject: Re: kinkos
- Date: Tue, 27 Apr 1993 08:00:31 -0400
- Status: RO
- Sam wrote:
- > has anyone seen "Simple Men"? there is a really weird scene
- > where they all dance to Kool Thing.
- Yep, I have. And I liked the Yo La Tengo songs in this very much too.
- Any other movies that SY are mentioned in?
- --
- Johannes Waldmann, Fakult\"at f\"ur Mathematik und Informatik
- UHH, 15. OG, Jena, O-6900, Germany, phone (03641) 82 24778
- email joe@inuo30.mathematik.uni-jena.de for this question's
- answer: "Venn ist das nurnstuck git und Slotermeyer?"
- From sonic-life-l@cornell.edu Tue Apr 27 14:24:40 1993
- Received: from kubds1.kub.nl by kubsu2.kub.nl with SMTP id AA07952
- (5.65c/IDA-1.4.4 for <pberck@kubsu2>); Tue, 27 Apr 1993 14:24:22 +0200
- Received: from RED-DWARF.CIT.CORNELL.EDU by kubds1.kub.nl with SMTP id
- AA01417
- (5.65c+/IDA-1.4.4 for <pberck@kub.nl>); Tue, 27 Apr 1993 14:24:16 +0200
- Received: from red-dwarf.cit.cornell.edu ([]) by
- red-dwarf.cit.cornell.edu with SMTP id <487221(3)>; Tue, 27 Apr 1993
- 08:24:58 -0400
- Message-Id: <199304271222.AA06421@itkdsa.kub.nl>
- Comment: Sonic Youth List
- Originator: sonic-life-l@cornell.edu
- Errors-To: rob@msc.cornell.edu
- Reply-To: sonic-life-l@cornell.edu
- Sender: sonic-life-l@cornell.edu
- Version: 5.5 -- Copyright (c) 1991/92, Anastasios Kotsikonas
- From: franks@kub.nl
- To: Multiple recipients of list <sonic-life-l@cornell.edu>
- Subject: SY quoted
- Date: Tue, 27 Apr 1993 08:24:53 -0400
- Status: RO
- I don't know about any movies, but I know a Dutch short story
- which has a motto by Sonic Youth (Eric's Trip):
- We turn out the world / we put up four walls / I breathe
- in the myth / I'm over the city / fucking the future /
- I'm high inside your kiss.
- The story is about some people who take an LSD-trip, and
- enjoy it. Admittedly, I wrote the story myself, so I guess
- that spoils it for you guys. *:o) However, I sent it to a
- national students' contest & couldn't help but win. A
- magazine asked me to give it to them for publication, which I
- did, so I helped to spread the SY-word around. Ain't that a
- noble thing to do? Anything for the Youths.
- Cheers,
- frank
- From sonic-life-l@cornell.edu Tue Apr 27 16:06:15 1993
- Received: from kubds1.kub.nl by kubsu2.kub.nl with SMTP id AA08214
- (5.65c/IDA-1.4.4 for <pberck@kubsu2>); Tue, 27 Apr 1993 16:06:07 +0200
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- (5.65c+/IDA-1.4.4 for <pberck@kub.nl>); Tue, 27 Apr 1993 16:05:54 +0200
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- 10:05:24 -0400
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- Comment: Sonic Youth List
- Originator: sonic-life-l@cornell.edu
- Errors-To: rob@msc.cornell.edu
- Reply-To: sonic-life-l@cornell.edu
- Sender: sonic-life-l@cornell.edu
- Version: 5.5 -- Copyright (c) 1991/92, Anastasios Kotsikonas
- From: Jon Copeland <JRCOPELA@suvm.acs.syr.edu>
- To: Multiple recipients of list <sonic-life-l@cornell.edu>
- Subject: Bye/Sonic LPS
- Date: Tue, 27 Apr 1993 10:05:22 -0400
- Status: RO
- OK, Sonic Lifers. I gotta sign off soon cause I'm moving. Hopefully I'll
- get
- access soon to da net and be back here with y'all. Anyway, before I go I
- thought I would add my opinion to the ongoing Sonic Album debate.
- The first SY album I ever heard was Bad Moon Rising, also their current
- album
- at the time. So I started out with their more "arty" experimental work and
- have seen them move towards a more rock/pop sound. I LOVE BMR! And my
- favorite SY albums are the *trilogy* starting with BMR, EVOL, and Sister. I
- think each album is a masterpiece in it's own right. BMR is beautiful and
- challanging at the same time. I Love her all the Time and Death Vally 69
- are
- the hight points I think. EVOL is wonderous in a different way, I dunno. I
- do
- think that Expressway To yr Skull is th best song they've ever done, hands
- down. Sister just rocks the fuck out! With some really nice stuff like
- Kotton Krown thrown in as well. I'm not real good at reviews as you can
- see so
- I can't babble about "the beautiful harmonic guitar textures" or whatever
- so
- I'll leave it at that.
- Daydream Nation is admittedly a great album, but unlike a lot of people, I
- don't like it as much as the aforementioned *trilogy* I've always thought
- Goo
- was pretty good too and it's stood up to the test of time well.
- OK, heres the thing that gets me. Dirty is the first SY album ever that has
- really faded for me as time goes on. When it first came out in July I
- listened toit all the time and thought it was great. As time passed less
- and
- less of the songs thrilled me. Now I only realy like three or four a lot.
- There
- are a few OK, throwawy type tracks, and then there are a bunch that really
- annoy me! No other Sonic Youth album has ever had this affect. I still
- absolutly love the band and will buy anything new they put out,see them
- live
- whenever they come, but I guess I'm just one of those annoying "the old
- stuff
- is better" type people. Not that a band shouldn't change and grow etc. They
- definitly should. It just hasn't connected with me as much with the more
- recent
- stuff. Oh well, I still have faith! Can't wait to see what they do next!
- See y'all later! Sonic Peace baby!
- Jon
- From itk-l-request@kub.nl Tue Apr 27 17:38:22 1993
- Received: from kubds1.kub.nl by kubsu2.kub.nl with SMTP id AA08511
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- Date: Tue, 27 Apr 1993 17:30:19 +0200
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- gosse@let.rug.nl
- Subject: ITK-colloquium Gosse Bouma
- Status: RO
- I T K C O L L O Q U I U M
- and
- M O D E L S O F G R A M M A R S T A F F S E M I N A R
- Gosse Bouma,
- (Rijksuniversiteit Groningen)
- This talk will address the question of how to combine defaults and
- unification. Default unification, which is implemented as a
- straightforward modification of feature unification, is nonmonotonic,
- but nevertheless leaves most of the declarative aspects of unification
- grammar unaffected. The proposed definition of default unification is
- compared with alternative definitions, such as those of Calder and
- Carpenter.
- Defaults appear to be particularly relevant at the level of lexical
- and morphological description. To illustrate this, a categorial
- unification-based morphology using defaults will be discussed.
- Gosse Bouma teaches computational linguistics at the vakgroep
- Alfa-Informatica in Groningen and specializes in unification grammar
- and natural language processing. Recently, on March 18, he got his PhD
- degree on a thesis entitled `Nonmonotonicity and categorial
- unification grammar'.
- Date: Thursday, May 6, 1993
- Time: 15.45h - 16.45
- Place: KUB, Warandelaan 2, Tilburg, room PZ 207
- For more information you may contact:
- thysse@kub.nl oostendo@kub.nl gosse@let.rug.nl
- From sonic-life-l@cornell.edu Tue Apr 27 18:30:08 1993
- Received: from kubds1.kub.nl by kubsu2.kub.nl with SMTP id AA08613
- (5.65c/IDA-1.4.4 for <pberck@kubsu2>); Tue, 27 Apr 1993 18:29:56 +0200
- Received: from RED-DWARF.CIT.CORNELL.EDU by kubds1.kub.nl with SMTP id
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- (5.65c+/IDA-1.4.4 for <pberck@kub.nl>); Tue, 27 Apr 1993 18:29:41 +0200
- Received: from red-dwarf.cit.cornell.edu ([]) by
- red-dwarf.cit.cornell.edu with SMTP id <487329(4)>; Tue, 27 Apr 1993
- 12:26:03 -0400
- Message-Id: <01GXI7RAIL5I90O179@ubvms.cc.buffalo.edu>
- Comment: Sonic Youth List
- Originator: sonic-life-l@cornell.edu
- Errors-To: rob@msc.cornell.edu
- Reply-To: sonic-life-l@cornell.edu
- Sender: sonic-life-l@cornell.edu
- Version: 5.5 -- Copyright (c) 1991/92, Anastasios Kotsikonas
- From: TwentyNothing <V079QL9Q@ubvmsb.cc.buffalo.edu>
- To: Multiple recipients of list <sonic-life-l@cornell.edu>
- Subject: Re: SY quoted
- Date: Tue, 27 Apr 1993 12:25:49 -0400
- Status: RO
- congrats on winning a national contest, but did you mention where you got
- that
- passage from in you essay/story? personally, i don't care, but there ARE
- copyright laws, and you CAN get sued...
- Later-
- Shane (ps the same can be said about my .sig file though! 8^P
- ---
- I'm not afraid to say I'm scared Shane
- Knapp
- In my bed I'm deep in prayer
- V079QL9Q@ubvms.cc.buffalo.edu
- I trust the speed I love the fear
- skknapp@acsu.buffalo.edu
- The music comes
- A burning spear
- From sonic-life-l@cornell.edu Tue Apr 27 19:33:35 1993
- Received: from kubds1.kub.nl by kubsu2.kub.nl with SMTP id AA08706
- (5.65c/IDA-1.4.4 for <pberck@kubsu2>); Tue, 27 Apr 1993 19:33:29 +0200
- Received: from RED-DWARF.CIT.CORNELL.EDU by kubds1.kub.nl with SMTP id
- AA15730
- (5.65c+/IDA-1.4.4 for <pberck@kub.nl>); Tue, 27 Apr 1993 19:33:23 +0200
- Received: from red-dwarf.cit.cornell.edu ([]) by
- red-dwarf.cit.cornell.edu with SMTP id <487428(4)>; Tue, 27 Apr 1993
- 13:16:06 -0400
- Comment: Sonic Youth List
- Originator: sonic-life-l@cornell.edu
- Errors-To: rob@msc.cornell.edu
- Reply-To: sonic-life-l@cornell.edu
- Sender: sonic-life-l@cornell.edu
- Version: 5.5 -- Copyright (c) 1991/92, Anastasios Kotsikonas
- To: Multiple recipients of list <sonic-life-l@cornell.edu>
- Subject: Re: Bye/Sonic LPS
- Date: Tue, 27 Apr 1993 13:14:22 -0400
- Status: RO
- Jon Copeland. I agree with everything you said. Especially about the
- longevity of Dirty. For me it has to do with the "middle portions". Sonic
- Youth used to have absolutely amazing free range solo sections that were
- works of art in their own right, and usually contrasted with the first
- section
- and refrain. I think the tunes on Dirty are as good (or better) than
- anything
- they've done. But these new songs contain either no middle portion, or
- a lame one. it's almost like they've gotten lazy on this part. The solos
- seem a lot more tradition, less subtle, more pure noise, less interesting
- chords. Hence the songs don't last as long.
- And this is for the *good* tunes. Put this fact together with the fact
- there
- are some songs on Dirty that really suck and you end with the reaction you
- have.jonathan kandell, tucson
- From sonic-life-l@cornell.edu Tue Apr 27 23:30:53 1993
- Received: from kubds1.kub.nl by kubsu2.kub.nl with SMTP id AA08962
- (5.65c/IDA-1.4.4 for <pberck@kubsu2>); Tue, 27 Apr 1993 23:30:44 +0200
- Received: from RED-DWARF.CIT.CORNELL.EDU by kubds1.kub.nl with SMTP id
- AA26824
- (5.65c+/IDA-1.4.4 for <pberck@kub.nl>); Tue, 27 Apr 1993 23:30:38 +0200
- Received: from red-dwarf.cit.cornell.edu ([]) by
- red-dwarf.cit.cornell.edu with SMTP id <487337(1)>; Tue, 27 Apr 1993
- 17:30:38 -0400
- Message-Id: <9304272124.AA29419@selway.umt.edu>
- Comment: Sonic Youth List
- Originator: sonic-life-l@cornell.edu
- Errors-To: rob@msc.cornell.edu
- Reply-To: sonic-life-l@cornell.edu
- Sender: sonic-life-l@cornell.edu
- Version: 5.5 -- Copyright (c) 1991/92, Anastasios Kotsikonas
- From: elric@selway.umt.edu (SONIC YOUTH)
- To: Multiple recipients of list <sonic-life-l@cornell.edu>
- Date: Tue, 27 Apr 1993 17:30:34 -0400
- Status: RO
- In article <1993Apr27.212049.29087@selway.umt.edu> you write:
- >
- >STARPOWER by Sonic Youth
- >
- >tuning low to high
- >
- >these are just the chords, no strumming shown
- > guitar 1 guitar 2
- > (Lee) (Thurston)
- >A-------------|----------|
- >A-------------|----------|
- >G---3-1-7-9-6-|----------|
- >G---3-1-7-9-6-|----------|
- >F#--0-0-0-0-0-|--4-2-0-7-|
- >F#--0-0-0-0-0-|--4-2-0-7-|
- >
- >the Bridge
- > guitar 2 repeat guitar 1
- >A-----------------------------------------------|-(11-11-11-12)-|
- >A-----------------------------------------------|-(11-11-11-12)-|
- >G-----------------------------------------------|--11-11-11-12--|
- >G-----------------------------------------------|--11-11-11-12--|
- >F#--12-12-12-12-10-10-10-10-8-8-8-8-12-12-12-12-|---------------|
- >F#--12-12-12-12-10-10-10-10-8-8-8-8-12-12-12-12-|---------------|
- >
- >let the top notes on guitar 1 "bleed" into the strum.
- >then they hit a big 000000 for the noise-fest.
- >that is pretty much it!
- >i love you, too.
- >Sam Rowe
- >
- >
- >--
- >your loving hampster farm,
- >-Sam
- >you're supposed to stop reading now.
- >your mother takes shits in the woods with the pope's funny hat on.
- --
- your loving hampster farm,
- -Sam
- you're supposed to stop reading now.
- your mother takes shits in the woods with the pope's funny hat on.
- From sonic-life-l@cornell.edu Tue Apr 27 23:44:15 1993
- Received: from kubds1.kub.nl by kubsu2.kub.nl with SMTP id AA08991
- (5.65c/IDA-1.4.4 for <pberck@kubsu2>); Tue, 27 Apr 1993 23:44:06 +0200
- Received: from RED-DWARF.CIT.CORNELL.EDU by kubds1.kub.nl with SMTP id
- AA29806
- (5.65c+/IDA-1.4.4 for <pberck@kub.nl>); Tue, 27 Apr 1993 23:44:00 +0200
- Received: from red-dwarf.cit.cornell.edu ([]) by
- red-dwarf.cit.cornell.edu with SMTP id <487345(5)>; Tue, 27 Apr 1993
- 17:44:37 -0400
- Message-Id: <9304271820.AA22599@box.EE.CORNELL.EDU>
- Comment: Sonic Youth List
- Originator: sonic-life-l@cornell.edu
- Errors-To: rob@msc.cornell.edu
- Reply-To: sonic-life-l@cornell.edu
- Sender: sonic-life-l@cornell.edu
- Version: 5.5 -- Copyright (c) 1991/92, Anastasios Kotsikonas
- From: pgs@box.ee.cornell.edu (Peter G. Soderquist)
- To: Multiple recipients of list <sonic-life-l@cornell.edu>
- Subject: Sonic Youth on ABC
- Date: Tue, 27 Apr 1993 17:44:36 -0400
- Status: RO
- >ABC in Concert (Friday nights, 1:30 EST, check local listings)
- >4/23 Sonic Youth, L7, Cell
- Did anyone catch this? If so, how was it? If it was at all
- interesting, I might be interested in dubbing a copy from someone.
- The Walrus.
- From sonic-life-l@cornell.edu Wed Apr 28 00:03:52 1993
- Received: from kubds1.kub.nl by kubsu2.kub.nl with SMTP id AA09013
- (5.65c/IDA-1.4.4 for <pberck@kubsu2>); Wed, 28 Apr 1993 00:03:44 +0200
- Received: from RED-DWARF.CIT.CORNELL.EDU by kubds1.kub.nl with SMTP id
- AA02826
- (5.65c+/IDA-1.4.4 for <pberck@kub.nl>); Wed, 28 Apr 1993 00:03:38 +0200
- Received: from red-dwarf.cit.cornell.edu ([]) by
- red-dwarf.cit.cornell.edu with SMTP id <487263(5)>; Tue, 27 Apr 1993
- 18:04:33 -0400
- Message-Id: <9304271836.AA28628@jumbo.apple.com>
- Comment: Sonic Youth List
- Originator: sonic-life-l@cornell.edu
- Errors-To: rob@msc.cornell.edu
- Reply-To: sonic-life-l@cornell.edu
- Sender: sonic-life-l@cornell.edu
- Version: 5.5 -- Copyright (c) 1991/92, Anastasios Kotsikonas
- From: "Jens Alfke" <jens_alfke@quickmail.apple.com>
- To: Multiple recipients of list <sonic-life-l@cornell.edu>
- Subject: More Bad Moon
- Date: Tue, 27 Apr 1993 18:04:28 -0400
- Status: RO
- More Bad Moon
- Sorry to jump into this late. Just got back from some time off from work...
- "Bad Moon Rising" is in a lot of ways my favorite SY album. It ties with
- "EVOL"; one is their best experimental/industrial work, the other the best
- rock.
- It DID take me months to fully get into it. I would keep listening, and
- every
- time more of it made sense. At first I liked "Brave Men Run" and "DV69"
- and the
- rest was unlistenable garbage. Then after a while I liked "I'm Insane" and
- "I
- Love Her All the Time" too. Now I like all but "Satan Is Boring", which
- really
- is unlistenable garbage. :-)
- It's a subtle album, almost ambient at times. The songs are very
- repetitive on
- the surface, but complex things are going on underneath. The structures are
- also interesting; totally unlike conventional songs. For instance, "I Love
- Her"
- goes into a fade-out that cues you that it's about to end, then keeps
- going on
- and fading out for several more minutes.
- The grunge bit between "Society" and "Love Her" is the Stooges again; a
- cover
- of "Not Right" from their first album.
- Oh, the "oblique lyrics" to "I'm Insane" are apparently almost all from the
- blurbs to trashy '50s exploitation novels (as shown in the CD booklet). I
- have
- no real confirmation of this but they certainly read that way.
- "Echo Canyon" is just the crash and explosion noise and record-scratching
- at
- the end, with a long fade-out. Not really a song at all.
- >Kim's base in Death valley slowly
- >works up the chromatic scale.
- ..and in the fade-out of "Expressway To Yr Skull" it goes back down. I've
- never been sure whether she's actually cranking down the tuning peg while
- playing, or just moving down the fretboard with a single very low tuning.
- --Jens Alfke Please do not feed peanuts to my deity.
- jens_alfke@quickmail
- .apple.com
- From sonic-life-l@cornell.edu Wed Apr 28 00:10:27 1993
- Received: from kubds1.kub.nl by kubsu2.kub.nl with SMTP id AA09213
- (5.65c/IDA-1.4.4 for <pberck@kubsu2>); Wed, 28 Apr 1993 00:10:18 +0200
- Received: from RED-DWARF.CIT.CORNELL.EDU by kubds1.kub.nl with SMTP id
- AA03042
- (5.65c+/IDA-1.4.4 for <pberck@kub.nl>); Wed, 28 Apr 1993 00:10:12 +0200
- Received: from red-dwarf.cit.cornell.edu ([]) by
- red-dwarf.cit.cornell.edu with SMTP id <487348(2)>; Tue, 27 Apr 1993
- 18:09:50 -0400
- Comment: Sonic Youth List
- Originator: sonic-life-l@cornell.edu
- Errors-To: rob@msc.cornell.edu
- Reply-To: sonic-life-l@cornell.edu
- Sender: sonic-life-l@cornell.edu
- Version: 5.5 -- Copyright (c) 1991/92, Anastasios Kotsikonas
- From: another head banged by propoganda <TROUTMAN@MIDD.BITNET>
- To: Multiple recipients of list <sonic-life-l@cornell.edu>
- Subject: sy on letterman, again
- Date: Tue, 27 Apr 1993 18:09:46 -0400
- Status: RO
- hey all!
- just got this from radio-concerts list:
- sy will be on letterman, mon. may 3. note - this is a rebroadcast
- oh yeah, did anyone catch sy on that abc in concert show on friday?
- i turned it on and saw prince dancing around! what giv
- troutman@midd.bitnet, troutman@midd.middlebury.edu sXe bootlegs?
- NOW EAT YOUR MIND" -kathy acker
- From sonic-life-l@cornell.edu Wed Apr 28 06:12:18 1993
- Received: from kubds1.kub.nl by kubsu2.kub.nl with SMTP id AA09592
- (5.65c/IDA-1.4.4 for <pberck@kubsu2>); Wed, 28 Apr 1993 06:12:12 +0200
- Received: from RED-DWARF.CIT.CORNELL.EDU by kubds1.kub.nl with SMTP id
- AA23220
- (5.65c+/IDA-1.4.4 for <pberck@kub.nl>); Wed, 28 Apr 1993 06:12:08 +0200
- Received: from red-dwarf.cit.cornell.edu ([]) by
- red-dwarf.cit.cornell.edu with SMTP id <487376(1)>; Wed, 28 Apr 1993
- 00:11:09 -0400
- Message-Id: <9304272207.AA03659@thor.INS.CWRU.Edu>
- Comment: Sonic Youth List
- Originator: sonic-life-l@cornell.edu
- Errors-To: rob@msc.cornell.edu
- Reply-To: sonic-life-l@cornell.edu
- Sender: sonic-life-l@cornell.edu
- Version: 5.5 -- Copyright (c) 1991/92, Anastasios Kotsikonas
- From: meb6@po.CWRU.Edu (Mason E. Boor)
- To: Multiple recipients of list <sonic-life-l@cornell.edu>
- Subject: Re: More Bad Moon
- Date: Wed, 28 Apr 1993 00:11:07 -0400
- Status: RO
- hey, anyone ever heard Camper Van Beethoven's hillarious cover
- of "I love her all the time" ????
- it's great, it's on their II/III album....
- i think
- --
- any thought could be the beginning
- of a brand new tangled web you're spinning
- any one could be your brand new love -Sebadoh Mason Jar
- meb6@po.CWRU.Edu
- From sonic-life-l@cornell.edu Wed Apr 28 07:08:14 1993
- Received: from kubds1.kub.nl by kubsu2.kub.nl with SMTP id AA09636
- (5.65c/IDA-1.4.4 for <pberck@kubsu2>); Wed, 28 Apr 1993 07:08:10 +0200
- Received: from RED-DWARF.CIT.CORNELL.EDU by kubds1.kub.nl with SMTP id
- AA29103
- (5.65c+/IDA-1.4.4 for <pberck@kub.nl>); Wed, 28 Apr 1993 07:08:06 +0200
- Received: from red-dwarf.cit.cornell.edu ([]) by
- red-dwarf.cit.cornell.edu with SMTP id <487298(3)>; Wed, 28 Apr 1993
- 01:08:13 -0400
- Message-Id: <9304280256.AA00284@irony.engin.umich.edu>
- Comment: Sonic Youth List
- Originator: sonic-life-l@cornell.edu
- Errors-To: rob@msc.cornell.edu
- Reply-To: sonic-life-l@cornell.edu
- Sender: sonic-life-l@cornell.edu
- Version: 5.5 -- Copyright (c) 1991/92, Anastasios Kotsikonas
- From: <pigman@engin.umich.edu>
- To: Multiple recipients of list <sonic-life-l@cornell.edu>
- Subject: Re: More Bad Moon
- Date: Wed, 28 Apr 1993 01:08:05 -0400
- Status: RO
- minor details:
- Jens said:
- The grunge bit between "Society" and "Love Her" is the Stooges again; a
- cover
- of "Not Right" from their first album.
- actually, it's not a cover, but the song itself. from _guitar player_,
- august
- 1991, p28: Lee says: "on _Bad Moon Rising_ we went so far as to tape a
- song off
- a stooges record and put it on our record".
- the topic is how sy recycles other genres, and makes them their own, "by
- virtue
- of calling it your own".
- later, the walrus said:
- Did anyone catch this? If so, how was it?
- and mICHAEL said:
- oh yeah, did anyone catch sy on that abc in concert show on friday?
- i turned it on and saw prince dancing around! what giv
- as soon as i heard that sy was going to be on, i checked my local (detroit)
- listings and found that the prince thing was going to be on, not sy. i
- would
- of spoke up, but i figured detroit was out of the loop somehow, and sy was
- going to be on other carriers. did anyone see it? from the lack of
- commentary
- on thier appearance, i'm guessing they weren'
- t on very many stations, if at all.
- i'd check for this friday, but my newspaper suscription has come to an
- end...
- later,
- scott
- From sonic-life-l@cornell.edu Wed Apr 28 09:18:18 1993
- Received: from kubds1.kub.nl by kubsu2.kub.nl with SMTP id AA09758
- (5.65c/IDA-1.4.4 for <pberck@kubsu2>); Wed, 28 Apr 1993 09:18:10 +0200
- Received: from RED-DWARF.CIT.CORNELL.EDU by kubds1.kub.nl with SMTP id
- AA10820
- (5.65c+/IDA-1.4.4 for <pberck@kub.nl>); Wed, 28 Apr 1993 09:17:56 +0200
- Received: from red-dwarf.cit.cornell.edu ([]) by
- red-dwarf.cit.cornell.edu with SMTP id <487298(2)>; Wed, 28 Apr 1993
- 03:18:05 -0400
- Message-Id: <199304280714.AA06585@nat.fwi.uva.nl>
- Comment: Sonic Youth List
- Originator: sonic-life-l@cornell.edu
- Errors-To: rob@msc.cornell.edu
- Reply-To: sonic-life-l@cornell.edu
- Sender: sonic-life-l@cornell.edu
- Version: 5.5 -- Copyright (c) 1991/92, Anastasios Kotsikonas
- From: <dok@fwi.uva.nl>
- To: Multiple recipients of list <sonic-life-l@cornell.edu>
- Subject: Dirty lyrics again
- Date: Wed, 28 Apr 1993 03:18:02 -0400
- Status: RO
- Hi y'all!
- Here's a sort of update for the dirty lyrics, still not really perfect..
- O yeah BTW can anybody else say wether it's 'light' or 'like'
- TSW sentences start with ? mr. Weld said it was light, but I definitely do
- not
- hear that .. anyway got to go now, see ya.
- Hans van Dok
- Dirty - Sonic Youth
- ===== = ===== =====
- thanks to the following people for contributions :
- Johannes Waldmann
- Henry Weld
- and some others I will add when I've found their names...
- 100%
- ----
- I can never forget you
- the way you rock the girls
- they move a world and love you
- for[?] blasting the underworld
- i stick a knive in my head
- but thinking 'bout your eyes
- but now that you been shot dead
- i got a new surprise
- but i been waitin' for you just to say
- he's of to check his mind
- but all i know is you got no money
- but that's got nothing to do with the good time
- can you forgive the boy who
- shot you in the head
- or should you get a gun and
- go and get revenge?
- a 100% of my love
- were up to you true star
- it's hard to believe you took of
- i always thought you'd go far
- but i been around the world a million times
- and all you men are slime
- it gone to my head
- goodbye i am dead
- waste wood rockers just time for cry [???]
- hey
- Swimsuit Issue
- -------- -----
- I'm just here for dictation
- i don't wanna be a sensation
- bein' on Sixty Minutes
- wasn't/was it[?] worth your fifteen minutes
- don't touch my breast
- i'm just working at my desk
- don't put me to test
- i'm just doing my best
- shopping at Max Fields
- power for you to wield
- dreams of going to the Grammies
- 'till you poked with your whammy
- he's been dissed
- now you're moving your wrist
- i am just from Encino
- why are you so mean oh
- i'm just here for dictation
- and not your summer vacation
- you really like the shmooz
- but now you're on the moves
- i'm from Sherman Oaks
- just a wheel with spokes
- but i ain't giving you ahead
- in the sunset bungalow
- Roshanda
- Judith
- Paulina
- Cathy
- Vendella
- Naomi
- Ashley
- Angie
- Stacey
- Kim
- i'm swimming
- i'm swimming
- i'm swimming...
- Theresa's Sound-world
- --------- -----------
- Like girl go walking through the corn, free
- like new vibration through the sea
- i know i'd love her to breathe again
- like cubes are talking her down
- i've been a wasted day
- like spinning round a saint
- like coloured wild sign
- Theresa talking in the rain
- like girl be growing through town
- windows of thoughts and disdain [?]
- i know i'd love her to stay
- whispering signs are agreeing
- like talking golden to rain
- lights vibe in dark in the saint
- a cat in gold goes alone
- Theresa's sound for the king
- Drunken Butterfly
- ------- ---------
- Smile like a sun
- back over time
- crazy on you
- pleasure is mine
- i love you i love you i love you
- what's your name?
- i love you i love you i love you
- what's your name?
- here come through it
- give it up
- going too far
- try understand
- i love you i love you i love you
- what's your name?
- i love you i love you i love you
- what's your name?
- whisper kiss me here
- i'll tell you what i fear
- whisper kisses up here
- i'll tell you what i fear
- come on home
- just be fair
- name of rock'n'roll
- where love dies
- could find a soul
- tell it like it is
- deep down inside
- drunk butterfly
- i love you i love you i love you
- what's your name?
- i love you i love you i love you
- what's your name?
- i love you i love you i love you
- what's your name?
- i love you i love you i love you
- what's your name?
- Shoot
- -----
- Can i have some money?
- i'm gonna go to the store
- can i have some money?
- i can't tell you what it's for
- can i have some money?
- you know it's you that i adore
- can i have some money?
- don't ask me what it's for
- since we've been together you've been good to me
- you only hit me when you wanna be pleased
- can i have the carkeys?
- i'm gonna go for a ride
- can i have the car please?
- i'm going out for a while
- can i have the car now?
- i wanna drive all around
- can i have the car dear?
- i'm going to leave this town
- i won't be asking your permission to leave
- i won't be asking not to have this baby please
- and i won't be asking don't point some bust[?] at me
- and i won't be asking i had to see you bleed
- ssssssh
- visualize
- that's right
- forever we
- one two three
- shoot
- shoot you
- shoot you
- shoot you
- can i have my lipstick?
- that was such a surprise
- can i have my lipstick?
- i'm going out for a ride
- i'm not a little girl
- and you sure are not my dad
- you don't even know what you almost had
- Wish Fulfillment
- ---- -----------
- I see your wishes on the wall
- and that's all right with me
- i see you run to make a call
- putting up to someone free
- your life and my life they don't touch at all
- and that's no way to be
- we've never seemed so far
- what's real? what is true?
- i ain't turning my back on you
- where're you goin'? where've you been?
- making wishes, watching dreams
- it might be simple it might be true
- i might be overwhelmed by you
- you might be empty
- the way your eyes just look right through
- its such a mess now anyway
- wish fulfillment every day
- i don't believe you
- now i can't hear a word you say
- i see you shaking in the light
- leaving the headline news
- the others they're not quite so right
- we want them to choose you
- i could almost see your face tonight
- singing simple rhythm'n'blues
- you'll always be a star
- shake it baby
- come on scream
- just seen your face in a magazine
- don't doubt it
- please be sure[?]
- i can't stand it anymore
- it's my favorite shot of you
- you look so pretty your eyes were true
- i'm still on your side
- in spite of every thing you do
- we're only blood on blood on life
- you paint me pictures every night
- come wish beside me
- don't you know you know what's right
- Sugar Kane
- ----- ----
- You're perfect in the way
- a perfect end today
- you're burning out their lies
- and burning in their eyes
- i love you Sugar Kane
- a-come in from the rain
- oh kiss me like a frog
- and turn me into a flame
- i love you all the time
- i need you here tonight
- and i can stay all night
- with daddy shining
- and i know
- there something down there sugar soul [?]
- back to the cross a twisted lane
- there something down there Sugar Kane
- i'm back again in love
- i'm back again a dove
- where'd you get your lie
- this mind is sugar life
- another loversday
- another crack of night
- and every night i say
- light is coming
- and i know
- there something down there sugar come
- back to the cross a twisted lane
- there's something down there Sugar Kane
- angel come and play
- you fly me away
- a stroll along the beach
- untill you're out of time
- i love you Sugar Kane
- a crack into the dream
- i love you Sugar Kane
- i love you Sugar Kane
- i love you Sugar Kane
- i love you Sugar Kane
- i love you Sugar Kane
- i love you Sugar
- Orange Rolls, Angel's Spit
- ------ ------ ------- ----
- she got you got you good
- didn't have a chance
- that lady put you in
- where had messed again [?]
- oh baby don't you know
- you're livin' on the death
- you better stay away
- if you wanna live
- lalalalalalalalaaaah
- lalalalalalalalaaaah
- every time you turn around she is making up with you and down below
- oooh sugar pie
- mmm come on
- chocolat spot
- she gotta gotta go
- don't you even know
- she looks into your eyes
- angels [???]
- she takes the long stride
- leave your mind again
- don't worry you are fine
- living with a mess [?]
- lalalalllalallalalalala
- lalalalalalalalalalalala
- every time you turn around she is looking up at you and down below
- sugar crick
- candy tic
- orange rolls
- angel's spit
- what you got has got you good
- don't you even try
- come on if you could
- you would surely die
- you don't don't you know
- you don't even know
- come on sugar tic
- you all got to go
- llalalalallalalallalaa
- lalalalalalalalalaah
- every time you turn around she is looking up at you and down below.....
- come and die
- chocolate spot
- sugar
- don't you know
- deep in my heart
- saying bye
- Youth Against Fascism
- ----- ------- -------
- Another can of worms
- another stomach turns
- yeah your ghetto burns
- it's the song i hate
- it's the song i hate
- you got a stupid man
- you got a ku klux klan
- your fucking battleplan
- it's the song i hate
- it's the song i hate
- a sieg heil-in' squirt
- you're an impotent jerk
- yeah a fascist twerp
- it's the song i hate
- it's the song i hate
- black robe and swill
- i believe Anita Hill
- judge will rot in hell
- it's the song i hate
- it's the song i hate
- yeah a cross on fire
- by a christian liar
- a black attack at fire
- it's the song i hate
- it's the song i hate
- yeah the president sucks
- he's a war pig fuck
- his shit is out of luck
- it's the song i hate
- it's the song i hate
- another nazi attack
- skinhead is cracked
- my blood is black
- it's the song i hate
- it's the song i hate
- we're banging pots and pans
- to make you understand
- we gotta bury you man
- it's the song i hate
- it's the song i hate
- i'm a human wreck
- redneck in check
- i killed the teacher's pet
- it's the song i hate
- it's the song i hate
- it's the song i hate
- it's the song i hate
- it's the song i hate
- it's the song i hate
- it's the song i hate
- it's the song i hate
- it's the song i hate
- it's the song i hate
- it's the song i hate
- it's the song i hate
- Nic Fit
- --- ---
- Turn it up
- turn it in
- sonic youth
- sonic truth
- nic fit
- nic fit
- nic fit
- nic fit
- sonic youth
- sonic smoke
- sonic truth
- sonic smoke
- nic fit
- nic fit
- nic fit
- nic
- nic fit
- nic fit
- nic fit
- nic fit
- sonic youth
- sonic death
- sonic smoke
- sonic youth
- nic fit
- nic fit
- nic fit
- nic
- On The Strip
- -- --- -----
- Every time you look my way
- show a light in what you say
- every time you look my way
- you talk around going purple haze
- close your eyes and pretend
- you're not at all a black friend [?]
- smile this [girl?] on the strip
- you really learn just how to be hip
- tell your stories 'bout your crazy trip
- messing with the stars and doing tricks
- close your eyes and pretend
- it started all back then
- big glass house on the hill
- doing dope but did you swear
- yesterday was buried last year
- well i don't care [?] i thought was clear
- close your eyes and pretend
- this is how it should end
- cinderella of the mind
- doesn't know her left from right
- she so hungry for a bite
- forget your friends for midnight
- don't you know who's keeping score
- who's that barking at your door ?
- hold tight with fear living
- hold tight with fear living
- hold tight with fear living
- hold tight with fear
- that was then
- this is now
- hold tight with fear living
- hold tight with fear living
- hold tight with fear living
- hold tight with fear
- that was then
- this is now
- every time you look my way
- remember a girl who used to say
- hold me tight every way
- it's okay it's only play
- i will learn you in my dawn
- where i came from for i run
- Chapel Hill
- ------ ----
- We're back in the days when the battles raged
- and we thought it was nothing
- the pistol man[?] is the CIA
- and we know
- throw me a cord and plug it in
- to get the cradle rocking
- and out with the redneck [???]men [?]
- and let's go
- a hair in the hole in my head
- too bad the scene is dead
- memories in the shadow
- back in time again
- but i can't forget your terrorized face
- when you cried for the shameless
- wasted life ameriK-K-Kan
- and you smiled
- so why should we run when we cannot hide
- and my flag it's burning
- we could be wrong but that's allright
- we'll rise again
- a hair in the hole in my head
- too bad the scene is dead
- our memories in the shadow
- it's back in town again
- look in a way it's another day
- and of course we love you
- radical man is the CIA
- and we say no
- we'll round up the Durham H.C. kids
- and the Char Grill Killers
- Jesse H. coming to our pit
- all ages show
- a hair in the hole in my head
- too bad the scene is dead
- our memory's in the shadow
- it's back in time again
- JC
- --
- How much costs a pair of holes?
- spaces pressed together rose
- arms around each others back
- you know that i liked you Jack
- and all the other boys who pose
- a silent dance in the woods
- in the summer by the show
- another can of coca cola
- don't you ever call me Mom
- freckled dancing in the plant
- but there's something i wanna tell
- as far as you can see it's done
- you're nothing but a history
- a second here and then you're gone
- quicksand quicksand all around
- turn the corner just beyond
- the shadows move and change the groove[?]
- and something tells me not to brood
- turning round that's a show
- you're walking through my heart once more
- don't forget to close the door
- i'm not certain what you found
- all the memory ch[?]n for [???]
- not the crown fall
- sunny skies and angels bleed
- falling down upon my knees
- that wasn't how it's supposed to be
- clear blue eyes, just as tries
- the wind is busy blowing dizzy
- you're drinking[?] shot like a star [note - I do not hear 'dream' here]
- exploding in a mind somewhere
- doing something on a dare
- pulling a trigger like breathing air
- a sunkissed boy that gave no thought
- to what he made while others say
- oceans break and spread [???]
- it's dripping in my hand, you're dead
- little brother reminding me
- your moments take forever tree
- you can say it's quite a sin
- don't you know the shape i'm in
- you're walking through my heart once more
- don't forget to close the door
- Purr
- ----
- Whoaoahooh!
- i love you baby 'cause you're back in time
- i love you today
- your eyes are flashing back a magic sign
- the sun comes out to play
- i learned it all from you girl
- i got it all from you
- how to howl 't the moon yeah
- how to scratch your door
- i do it every day
- come back again tomorrow
- you chase it all away
- you dream beauty sleeping day and night
- the sun around you
- i love you baby yeah you're superfine
- climbing down to
- a purr [???] likes a day
- the switching sunlight
- a chasing kitten gets you every time
- funny how it flies
- i learned it all from you girl
- i got it all from you
- how to howl 't the moon yeah
- how to scratch your door
- i do it every day
- come back again tomorrow
- you chase my life away
- i hear you burning at supersoul
- i pop in to look
- a personal letter yeah a [???] gold
- let her tear away
- i learned it all from you girl
- i got it all from you
- how to howl 't the moon yeah
- how to scratch your door
- i do it every day
- come back again tomorrow
- you chase the life away
- Creme Brulee
- ----- ------
- Aaoooow!
- whoo!
- hah
- huh
- riding down the road and being struck with blind
- you and me are burning in the summertime
- let's go find some shady ground
- gotta get rid of that king halfround
- you and me are burning in the summertime
- you and me are burning in the summertime
- scrape-scrape-scrapin' melted cheese
- say 'i love you' later[?] please
- you and me are burning in the summertime
- you and me are burning in the summertime
- dark spots floating in front of in my eyes
- mum said she turned it on the squattin'[squatted ?] flies
- you and me are burning in the summertime
- you and me are burning in the summertime
- last night i dreamed i kissed Neil Young
- if i was a boy i guess it would be fun
- you and me are burning in the summertime
- you and me are burning in the summertime
- don't you know the saying where the horses grow
- green malts hanging[?] chilling crows
- you and me are burning in the summertime
- you and me are burning in the summertime
- i said it before
- and i'll say it again
- i'm so happy
- we're just friends.........
- From sonic-life-l@cornell.edu Wed Apr 28 09:52:50 1993
- Received: from kubds1.kub.nl by kubsu2.kub.nl with SMTP id AA09834
- (5.65c/IDA-1.4.4 for <pberck@kubsu2>); Wed, 28 Apr 1993 09:52:38 +0200
- Received: from RED-DWARF.CIT.CORNELL.EDU by kubds1.kub.nl with SMTP id
- AA13883
- (5.65c+/IDA-1.4.4 for <pberck@kub.nl>); Wed, 28 Apr 1993 09:52:23 +0200
- Received: from red-dwarf.cit.cornell.edu ([]) by
- red-dwarf.cit.cornell.edu with SMTP id <487298(4)>; Wed, 28 Apr 1993
- 03:53:10 -0400
- Message-Id: <93Apr28.035052edt.160680(1)@router.mail.cornell.edu>
- Comment: Sonic Youth List
- Originator: sonic-life-l@cornell.edu
- Errors-To: rob@msc.cornell.edu
- Reply-To: sonic-life-l@cornell.edu
- Sender: sonic-life-l@cornell.edu
- Version: 5.5 -- Copyright (c) 1991/92, Anastasios Kotsikonas
- From: Johannes Waldmann <mwj@rz.uni-jena.de>
- To: Multiple recipients of list <sonic-life-l@cornell.edu>
- Subject: Re: More Bad Moon and other stars
- Date: Wed, 28 Apr 1993 03:53:06 -0400
- Status: RO
- Mason Jar wrote:
- > hey, anyone ever heard Camper Van Beethoven's hillarious cover
- > of "I love her all the time" ????
- > it's great, it's on their II/III album....
- > i think
- sure, they made a fine country song out of it.
- BTW, where could I get CvB discog info, I only have their
- Our Beloved Revolutionary Sweet Heart (very good),
- and Key Lime Pie (good, but sometimes too much fat
- rock pathos in there). The ILHATTime version is on a compilation
- Flower Fed Buffaloes too, with other bands like Yo la Tengo,
- Feelies, Opal... (if memory serves me right at the moment).
- And more on bands that have quite nothing to do with the theme of
- this list: anyone out there ever heard Freiwillige Selbstkontrolle
- (F.S.K.) from Munich/Bavaria/Germany? David Lowery (CvB) produced
- their recent album Son of Kraut so you may guess what it sounds like.
- And John Peel likes them, too.
- And even more: there's a band Donner Party from the US, I have
- their brilliant country/punky debut album from years ago.
- They seem to have worked with D Lowery in the meantime.
- Anyone ever heard of them / knows their (label's) address?
- Flame now! (I would certainly enjoy a name dropping war on this list
- but you might consider replying to me alone.)
- --
- Johannes Waldmann, Fakult\"at f\"ur Mathematik und Informatik
- UHH, 15. OG, Jena, O-6900, Germany, phone (03641) 82 24778
- email joe@inuo30.mathematik.uni-jena.de for this question's
- answer: "Venn ist das nurnstuck git und Slotermeyer?"
- From sonic-life-l@cornell.edu Wed Apr 28 09:58:13 1993
- Received: from kubds1.kub.nl by kubsu2.kub.nl with SMTP id AA09856
- (5.65c/IDA-1.4.4 for <pberck@kubsu2>); Wed, 28 Apr 1993 09:58:06 +0200
- Received: from RED-DWARF.CIT.CORNELL.EDU by kubds1.kub.nl with SMTP id
- AA13964
- (5.65c+/IDA-1.4.4 for <pberck@kub.nl>); Wed, 28 Apr 1993 09:57:50 +0200
- Received: from red-dwarf.cit.cornell.edu ([]) by
- red-dwarf.cit.cornell.edu with SMTP id <487354(2)>; Wed, 28 Apr 1993
- 03:58:52 -0400
- Message-Id: <9304280756.AA29408@thor.INS.CWRU.Edu>
- Comment: Sonic Youth List
- Originator: sonic-life-l@cornell.edu
- Errors-To: rob@msc.cornell.edu
- Reply-To: sonic-life-l@cornell.edu
- Sender: sonic-life-l@cornell.edu
- Version: 5.5 -- Copyright (c) 1991/92, Anastasios Kotsikonas
- From: meb6@po.CWRU.Edu (Mason E. Boor)
- To: Multiple recipients of list <sonic-life-l@cornell.edu>
- Subject: Re: More Bad Moon and other stars
- Date: Wed, 28 Apr 1993 03:58:50 -0400
- Status: RO
- I think that CvB's first album is "Radio Free Landslide Victory"
- soon to be re-released on IRS.
- It has classic songs like "Take the Skin-heads bowling" and
- "Where the hell is Bill?" plus a lot of great ska.
- I think their 2nd is a mentioned "II/III"
- all their old stuff is getting re-released....
- --
- any thought could be the beginning
- of a brand new tangled web you're spinning
- any one could be your brand new love -Sebadoh Mason Jar
- meb6@po.CWRU.Edu
- From itk-l-request@kub.nl Wed Apr 28 10:15:39 1993
- Received: from kubds1.kub.nl by kubsu2.kub.nl with SMTP id AA09902
- (5.65c/IDA-1.4.4); Wed, 28 Apr 1993 10:15:18 +0200
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- (5.65c+/IDA-1.4.4); Wed, 28 Apr 1993 10:15:13 +0200
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- (5.65c/IDA-1.4.4 for itk-l-out); Wed, 28 Apr 1993 10:15:06 +0200
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- Received: from kubds1.kub.nl by kubsu2.kub.nl with SMTP id AA09887
- (5.65c/IDA-1.4.4 for <itk-l@kubsu2>); Wed, 28 Apr 1993 10:14:58 +0200
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- (5.65c+/IDA-1.4.4); Wed, 28 Apr 1993 10:14:31 +0200
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- (5.65c+/IDA-CLIENT-KUB-DEC); Wed, 28 Apr 1993 10:14:30 +0200
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- VdPool@kub.nl, RCozijn@kub.nl, maes@kub.nl
- Subject: Een niet monotone middag
- Date: Wed, 28 Apr 93 10:14:25 +0200
- Reply-To: Emiel Krahmer <emiel@kub.nl>
- From: Emiel Krahmer <emiel@kub.nl>
- Status: RO
- Beste collega's,
- Mogen we jullie even herinneren aan het feit dat
- er morgen (donderdag 29 april) in het kader van het
- en het
- plaats zal vinden in PZ 207.
- Het programma ziet er als volgt uit:
- 13.00 - 13.50 A Model of Induction
- Peter Flach
- 14.00 - 14.50 Partiality and Honesty
- Wiebe van der Hoek, Jan Jaspars &
- Elias Thijsse
- 15.00 - 15.50 Non-Monotonic Reasoning and
- Defeasible Argument
- Gerard Vreeswijk
- 16.00 - 16.50 The Conditional Logic of
- Generalizations
- Michael Morreau
- Alle belangstellenden zijn van harte welkom.
- -- Emiel Krahmer en Elias Thijsse
- From sonic-life-l@cornell.edu Wed Apr 28 15:45:22 1993
- Received: from kubds1.kub.nl by kubsu2.kub.nl with SMTP id AA10669
- (5.65c/IDA-1.4.4 for <pberck@kubsu2>); Wed, 28 Apr 1993 15:45:01 +0200
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- AA15746
- (5.65c+/IDA-1.4.4 for <pberck@kub.nl>); Wed, 28 Apr 1993 15:44:49 +0200
- Received: from red-dwarf.cit.cornell.edu ([]) by
- red-dwarf.cit.cornell.edu with SMTP id <487328(5)>; Wed, 28 Apr 1993
- 09:43:48 -0400
- Message-Id: <01GXJFVT7YVS90ODZH@Gems.VCU.EDU>
- Comment: Sonic Youth List
- Originator: sonic-life-l@cornell.edu
- Errors-To: rob@msc.cornell.edu
- Reply-To: sonic-life-l@cornell.edu
- Sender: sonic-life-l@cornell.edu
- Version: 5.5 -- Copyright (c) 1991/92, Anastasios Kotsikonas
- From: MGANGLOFF@gems.vcu.edu
- To: Multiple recipients of list <sonic-life-l@cornell.edu>
- Subject: cvb
- Date: Wed, 28 Apr 1993 09:43:47 -0400
- Status: RO
- actually, CvB's first (i think first anyhow) record is "TELEPHONE free
- landslide victory."
- --mg
- From sonic-life-l@cornell.edu Wed Apr 28 17:09:31 1993
- Received: from kubds1.kub.nl by kubsu2.kub.nl with SMTP id AA10782
- (5.65c/IDA-1.4.4 for <pberck@kubsu2>); Wed, 28 Apr 1993 17:09:18 +0200
- Received: from RED-DWARF.CIT.CORNELL.EDU by kubds1.kub.nl with SMTP id
- AA28584
- (5.65c+/IDA-1.4.4 for <pberck@kub.nl>); Wed, 28 Apr 1993 17:09:02 +0200
- Received: from red-dwarf.cit.cornell.edu ([]) by
- red-dwarf.cit.cornell.edu with SMTP id <487396(1)>; Wed, 28 Apr 1993
- 11:08:25 -0400
- Message-Id: <9304272108.AA28159@selway.umt.edu>
- Comment: Sonic Youth List
- Originator: sonic-life-l@cornell.edu
- Errors-To: rob@msc.cornell.edu
- Reply-To: sonic-life-l@cornell.edu
- Sender: sonic-life-l@cornell.edu
- Version: 5.5 -- Copyright (c) 1991/92, Anastasios Kotsikonas
- From: elric@selway.umt.edu (SONIC YOUTH)
- To: Multiple recipients of list <sonic-life-l@cornell.edu>
- Date: Wed, 28 Apr 1993 11:08:14 -0400
- Status: RO
- In article <1993Apr27.204734.26529@selway.umt.edu> you write:
- >Tom Violence by Sonic Youth
- >
- >tuning low to high
- >
- >these are the chords, i'm not going to show the strumming
- > guitar 1 guitar 2 everything in [] is played durring one chord
- > (thurston) (Lee) in relation to guitar 1.
- >A---4-0-2-0--16-|-----------------------------------------|
- >A---4-0-2-0--16-|-----------------------------------------|
- >G---6-6-4-11-18-|-----------------------------------------|
- >G---6-6-4-11-18-|-----------------------------------------|
- >F#--0-0-0-0--0--|-[-10-0-]-[-3-5-]-[-10-8-]-[-3-5-3-5-7-]-|
- >F#--0-0-0-0--0--|-[-10-0-]-[-3-5-]-[-10-8-]-[-3-5-3-5-7-]-|
- >
- >guitar 2 is doubled by the bass. i think when the vocal starts guitar two
- >re-arranges a couple of its parts, but the fingerings are still the
- same.
- >
- >the Bridge the End
- > repeat
- >A---0-0-|---------|--2-0--|--4-|
- >A---0-0-|---------|--2-0--|--4-|
- >G---4-2-|--7-9-6--|--4-2--|--6-|
- >G---4-2-|--7-9-6--|--4-2--|--6-|
- >F#--0-0-|--0-0-0--|--0-0--|--0-|
- >F#--0-0-|--0-0-0--|--0-0--|--0-|
- >
- >corrections, comments and requests welcome (be specific with requests)
- >i love you, too.
- >
- >Sam Rowe
- >
- >--
- >your loving hampster farm,
- >-Sam
- >you're supposed to stop reading now.
- >your mother takes shits in the woods with the pope's funny hat on.
- --
- your loving hampster farm,
- -Sam
- you're supposed to stop reading now.
- your mother takes shits in the woods with the pope's funny hat on.
- ˇ